Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Fashion Icons"

As we all know, Love's third issue is out (OMG OMG!!), and in about... four hour i will be the proud, excited, and crazy owner of it.
this is my favourite time of year because of the fact that LOVE magazine is out!
Except from fashionweek, this is the best part of year... even though Paris fashionweek is only three weeks away. And the second i hold it in my hands i know that everything was worth it.
Love is not a magazine. It is one of my main reasons to live. Because when i hold it, and turn those beautiful pages, i know that what i wanted all along is worth it. And by keep going everyday i am one step closer to the life i wanna live.
Keep living, keep loving.

And just so you know.. this is the only picture from the magazine that i will see before it's mine.

1 comment:

  1. Omg jeg har sett love teaser sånn 10 ganger på repeat nå!
